CHRC At COPA-Fest 2019
The Chandler HAM Radio Club made its very first public showing at the COPAFest 2019. Thank you Maricopa Amateur Radio Club for saving a spot next to you at your event. We appreciate all you have done to help us get started. Not only was it the Clubs first HAM-Fest, it was also mine (Gary, KI7PBR). Very nice!!! I…
CHRC To Be Present at COPA-Fest 2019
The Chandler HAM Radio club will be making its debut appearance at the Maricopa Amateur Radio Association’s annual HAM-Fest, known as COPA-Fest on Oct 26th, 2019. We have managed to pull together a fold up canopy, a couple of tables, some chairs and more important, our club banner. All though we do not have a lot…