Chandler Ham Radio Club operates through the generosity of it’s members.
Funding Sources:
We use club membership dues, voluntary donations, raffles, t-shirt sales, and other fundraisers to raise money for the club expenses. (Click here to go to the current fundraisers payments to make a donation or purchase)
What Kind Of Expenses Does CHRC Use Funds For?
CHRC uses the funds we get from our various fundraisers and dues to pay for basic club expenses such as:
- Club Banners
- Club Advertising
- Memberships in ARRL/ARCA and other ham organizations
- Copies/Flyers for Hamfests
- Reserving Ramadas for Field Day Events
- Booths for Ham Fests
- Other related expenses
Who decides what expenses are incurred?
The elected board members of Chandler Ham Radio Club research the expected costs and requirements for events/organizations the club wants to participate in and then a run down and vote is held either at the monthly business meeting or over email to participate or not.
Once the club members have voted to authorize the club participation in the event or organization, the board members follow up and make the needed purchases for the event as they come up. (This means costs may be slightly more or less than expected, but the board endeavors to keep costs low so the club money is respected)