Yes, it’s real… the CHRC held it’s first official club meeting on Saturday July 13th, 2019.
We had a GREAT turnout! We had 17 ham radio operators show up for the initial club kickoff meeting, and total club membership is now up to 21 members. Wow!
Meeting Summary:
The first club meeting was held at the Barro’s Pizza Off Alma School and Germann (Thanks to the Manager and District manager for opening up for us and loaning us the back dining room)
During the meeting, the Club Bylaws and Constitution documents were presented and approved by the membership, and Club Officers were nominated and elected by a show of hands.
The officers for this first yearly term are:
CHRC President: Gary Laatsch (KI7PBR)
CHRC Vice President: Norm Fasoletos (K7NWF)
CHRC Secretary: Lisa Allen (KJ7DJR)
CHRC Treasure: Acting – Gary Laatsch
Highlights of where the club is going:
Winter Field Day
We plan to participate as a club for Winter Field Day 2020 on Saturday, January 25th, 2020. More to follow …
Weekly Net Starts Aug 1st, 2019
CHRC will start a weekly Net on our borrowed club repeater (Thank you SMUGS for letting us poach your repeater!)
When: Thursday Nights @ 20:00 hours
Where: 442.550+ PL100.00
Net Control: Gary KI7PBR
This is a directed net. Bring your questions, and topics you’d like to discuss. We aren’t going to get too hard core on pre-planned topics yet, so come to chew the rag, or get questions and answers from other club members.
The Net begins on August 1st, 2019
There are no plans for club dues yet, and we will just move forward and see where we go as a club.
We decided it’s best to act like a baby bird and slowly stretch and strengthen our wings before we attempt to fly and soar with the eagles.
Thanks to all who participated! Without YOU there is no CLUB.
Feel free to contact Gary – KI7PBR – Our Hard Working Club President with any questions.