Chandler Ham Radio Club

Our mission is to promote not only the technical but also the social side of amateur radio. To work to increase the pool of licensed amateur radio operators by providing training and testing to those interested. To continue to promote new technologies and to expand the use of these in all areas of communication. But foremost to always be ready to assist in emergency and non-emergency events by providing a reliable source of communication to local agencies.

Woman Holding Handheld Radio

Chandler Ham Radio Club (CHRC) is a group of Chandler, Arizona area amateur radio (HAM) enthusiasts who participate in both analog and digital HAM radio. We meet once a month for club business, once a month for breakfast, and twice a week on Nets.

What We Offer

Chandler Ham radio Club offers amateur radio license testing through our certified Volunteer Examiner team at no cost.

License Testing

Weekly Nets

Join us Thursday evenings at 8:00 PM on 443.050+ PL100 and Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM on our Reflector.

Weekly Nets

The club provides ham related technical presentations of interest after our regular monthly club meeting business.

Tech Talks

Some of the Things You Will Learn

When it comes to getting the most enjoyment out of Amateur Radio, there is nothing more important than your antenna system. You can purchase the best ham transceiver on the planet, but if your antenna system is poor, your investment will largely go to waste.

Antenna Basics

We maintain a transcoding multi-mode reflector that supports all digital modes so that everyone can enjoy digital voice regardless of the hardware they choose to own.

Digital Voice

Transmitter Hunting, or Foxhunting, is a popular way to combine outdoor activity with the amateur radio hobby. The "Fox" hides a hidden transmitter, and the hunters use direction finding techniques to locate it.

Transmitter Hunting

Take part in portable operations using radio equipment when traveling. "Portable" equipment indicates a configuration that allows for relatively rapid collection, transportation, and deployment of amateur radio gear. A portable station can be anything from a small QRP (Low Power) radio and antenna, to a large transceiver.

Portable Field Operations

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